Home Theater
Home Automation
Networks & Phones
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Phone Systems...
At work, if you’ve come to rely on a phone with multiple lines, phone-to-phone intercom and paging, plus voice mail, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to learn we can bring all the convenience and functionality of a professional phone system into your home. It’s so simple, the kids can use it. It’s so versatile, you can use it for business purposes. It’s such a great idea, you’ll wonder why you waited until now.

Computer Network...
In today’s homes, where it’s common to find more than one computer, a local area network connecting the family computers to each other and to a high-speed Internet connection is virtually mandatory. But the coming of audio/video devices that utilize a connection to the Internet — like music management systems, personal video recorders, and sophisticated system remote controls — means your home network needs to accommodate more than just a couple of computers. Whether it’s wired, wireless, or a combination of both, we’ll help you plan a network with the flexibility and the capacity you’ll need now and in the future.